Contact Info

About me:

I graduated in 2011 from Utah State University in Nutrition and Dietetics. I’ve been a practicing Registered Dietitian (RD) for a year and a half now and work at 3 different hospitals in the Salt Lake area. I’m happy to share hilarious stories from working in the clinical setting anytime. I have a mad obsession for cooking and overspend on my monthly grocery budget regularly. I have a passion for sustainable food systems and I am stoked to start a new gardening project this summer. My favorite foods are (since people always want to know, right?) definitely my mom’s homemade granola and greek yogurt, chips and any/every kind of salsa, apples and cheese, squash, almond milk, anything with peanut butter, and birthday cake. I love/hate running and hiking, I zumba it up on a regular basis, I am trying to appreciate yoga, and I have the hottest husband and prettiest pup. Also I have been told my nose resembles a great white shark, what do you think?

Contact Info:

Caitlin Boyer, RD

Phone: 801-230-2818


If you want to know more about being a Registered Dietitian check this out.

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